Subject: WFW2: Improved Spelling Checker Author: Tim Rohrer Uploaded By: TimRohrer Date: 7/17/1994 File: SPELLIST.ZIP (56382 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 5777 Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Windows 3.1, Word for Windows V2.0 Keywords: Rohrer, Winword, WFW, Word, Spell, Speller, Check, Win31 Type: Sharware Version: 07/11/94 Uploaded by the author Do you hate waiting for your spell-checker? Find yourself repeatedly telling it that yes you have spelled someone's name correctly? This Word-for-Windows macro will change the way you work with the spelling checker. Instead of it demanding your time and full attention, you start a spell-check, go get some coffee, and when you return it presents you with a list of every suspect word in the document. You can print the suspect word list, or check the spelling of a word in context just as WFW spell-checker does, or just add a word to a dictionary if you know it is spelled correctly. A big time-saver. This zipfile includes the SpellList macro plus a macro which allows you to easily add, remove or inspect Word-for-Windows spelling checker dictionaries. Menu-driven and easy to use. Inexpensive shareware registration fee. Two versions are available online, one for Word 2.0 and one for Word 6.0 Versions for other software packages in development. To run, open SPELLIST.DOC (In Winword 2.0) Documentation: SPELNOTE.TXT